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Interview Questions

01. What is CAN?
CAN(Control Area Network), is a multi-master asynchronous serial communication protocol.
02. What is Asynchronous Serial Communication?
Asynchronous Serial Communication : Both Sender and receiver data transfer starts at same rate with serial bus that connects control devices, sensors and actuators.
03. Why CAN is reliable?
Error detection, Signalling and fault confinement defined in CAN standard makes CAN bus more reliable.
04. How many layer it supports?
CAN protocol uses Application, Data-link and physical layer of ISO-OSI model.
05. What is the max speed of CAN?
Maximum CAN bus speed is 1mbps. Class A operates upto 10kbps. Class B operates with bit rate 10kbps to 125kbps. Class C operates with bit rates 125kbps to 1mbps.
06. St. CAN vs Extd. CAN? Can they coexist on a network?
Standard CAN is defined with 11-bit identifier. Extended CAN is defined with 29-bit identifier. They cannot be coexisted on same network.
07. If they can co-exist, which one will have priority; if not, what is the reason?
They cannot co-exist, as both St.CAN and Extd. CAN with main difference as identifier length.
08. Describe the process of bus arbitration in CAN?
Bus with lowest-priority wins the arbitration
09. What’s the difference between CSMA/CR and CSMA/CD?
10. How can we identify a specific sensor in a CAN network?
11. Data Frame vs Remote Frame; Who wins arbitration? Explain why?
12. What is bus termination resistor value for CAN? Do they vary if we put them in each node instead of bus ends?
13. Explain Error Frame? Explain the error states (Like Passive Active and Bus-off)?
14. What is BUS-Off? What happens when bus-off occurs?
15. What is TEC and REC?
16. How they increment and decrement?
17. What is difference between Inter frame space and overload frame?
18. What is time quanta?
19. Why we go for CAN? Why not others?
20. How does CAN work? What are the features of CAN?
21. Why SOF is always a dominant bit?
22. Explain error detection mechanism?
23. CANALyzer vs CANoe
24. CAPL vs IG
25. IG block vs G block
26. How many nodes can be simulated in Canalyzer and Canoe?
27. Data frame vs Remote frame? Who wins when both are available in the network?
28. What is Bit-Encoding?
29. What is bit-stuffing?
30. Why bit stuff happens after 5th bit; why not after or before 4th or 6th bit?
31. What is DLC? Why is it needed?
32. CAN vs LIN?
33. CAN vs KWP vs UDS?
34. Why 7F has considered for €“ve response why not other than 7F?
35. What is tester present? Why do we need it?
36. What is security Access? Why do we need it?
37. What is CANCaseXL (if you have used it)? Explain with types?
38. If there are only two nodes on the bus, and both are transmitting same identifier(exactly the same identifier),who will win the arbitration or what happens?
39. If there is only one node on the bus and it is transmitting messages on the bus continuously, what will happen? Is node will go into the bus-off state or what happens?
41. Is CAN full duplex? what is the significance of Extended frames other than that it can be used for generating more identifiers?
42. What is the major difference between CAN 2.0B and previous version?
43. Without CAPL,can we simulate the other ECU’s CAN Messages except Test ECU in the CAN Simulation Network in CANoe tool without using IG or G blocks.
44. How many can database files are required for CAN Network simulation in CANoe tool.
45. what is the difference between CANalyzer,CANoe and CANape tools?
46. Mention the few uses of the CANoe tool?
47. what is a panel is CANoe Tool and its Use?
48. Why CAPL scripting is used in CANoe tool?
49. Is it possible to simulate other ECU’s Except Test ECU without CAPL Scripting in CANoe tool?
50. What is flow control frame?
51. Is CAN synchronous or asynchronous protocol?
52. Is it multimaster?
53. What type of communication? Is it point to point or broadcasting?
54. What network topology is used in car for CAN? Its always BUS topolgy
55. What is the speed of CAN? Tell me the maximum speed? 1Mb/s
56. How you calculate CAN bus load in CANOE?
57. Different types of CAN frames?
58. Draw data frame format? ( Very important question, it was asked in all the interviews i attended)
59. Difference between data and remote frames?
60. Different types of errors?
61. What is bitstuffing ? Purpose of bitstuffing?
62. How particular CAN message is identified in network if the message is broadcasted?
63. What is usage of identifier?
64. What is acceptance filtering?
65. What is arbitration?( Very important question, it was asked in all the interviews i attended)
66. What will happen if i send two frames simultaneously which is having same identifiers?
67. What is busoff, error passive?
68. How error count is handled if there is error frame in the network?
69. What is bit timing and its configuration?
70. Assume that there are 10 ECU’s in car, What will happen if one ECU in car goes to busoff state due to error?
71. How many frames we can accommodate in one ECU? Depends on number of mailbox in CAN controller , if it exceeds, we can go for multiplexing.
72. What is dominant and recessive state?
73. What is the volatage range of dominant and recessive state in CAN bus?
74. Why it is differential line? Advantage?
75. Difference between CANOE and Canalyser? Graphic panel
76. Do you know how to create graphic panels?
77. How to run CAPL script in CANOE?
78. Explain about different windows in measurement setup such as graphic, trace, etc?
79. How to filter signals in CANOE?
80. About interactive generator?
81. Draw CANOE test setup? Explain about this CAN module test?
82. How to access signal from message in CAPL?
83. Tell me about different events?
84. Explain about timer event, message event, keyboard event?
85. Write a capl script to send a frame periodically in network?
86. Then, they have given some customer requirements and i have to derive test case from the given requirement and write CAPL script to automate it in CANOE.


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