CANalyzer is the universal software analysis tool for ECU networks and distributed systems. CANalyzer makes it easy to observe, analyze, and supplement data traffic in CAN, LIN, MOST, or FlexRay systems. With powerful functions and user-programmability, all needs are covered from simple network analysis to advanced troubleshooting of complex problems.
In the course of a measurement the bus interface registers messages on the bus and passes them to the specified paths in the data flow plan and on to the evaluation and analysis blocks at the far right of the plan. During a measurement two program modules work closely together to this purpose: First the real-time library retrieves the information arriving at the card, provides them with a time stamp and shifts them to a buffer. In a second step these data are read out by the actual main program and are evaluated in the function blocks on the right-hand side of the data flow plan.
You can influence the data flow in the two program modules by inserting function blocks in the Measurement Setup. The real-time module is comprised of the interface, all function blocks between the card block and the transmit branch, and all blocks in the transmit branch itself. The function blocks will configure the data flow in the evaluation branch.
If you insert blocks in the real-time branch, CANalyzer‘s transmit branch, you should be make sure that they do not demand too much computing time, so that system reaction times are not lengthened.
Analysis With CANalyzer:
Definition: Analysis
Displaying, interpreting, recording, and replaying of data (bus data, variables, and diagnostic parameters).
Analysis in CANalyzer is based on data flow from the data source to the display or recording, in which the data can be additionally processed. The data flow is represented graphically in the Measurement Setup and can be configured there.
Receiving Data
Online or offline analysis is possible. The online data source is the simulated bus or the real bus that is connected by hardware (e.g., CANcardXL). The offline data sourceis a file containing recorded data.
Processing Data
To provide a clear representation of data, filters can be used to specify which data are to be allowed and which are to be explicitly filtered out. Filters can be active during or after the measurement and can filter data ranging from individual signals to channels of a whole bus system.
Filtering is not necessary in some analysis windows, because only configured data are displayed there.
Filtering is not necessary in some analysis windows, because only configured data are displayed there.
Your own CAPL programs can also be used for analysis functions. For example, a CAPL block can be used to filter data or to perform various arithmetic operations.
Representing Data
CANalyzer provides a variety of possible analyses. The analysis windows function either as bus-, message-, or signal-oriented analysis windows. Specific analysis windows are available for the various bus systems.
For symbolic representation of data, databases must be added in the configuration. Among other things, these databases assign message identifiers to symbolic message names as well as signals for symbolic description of the data segments within messages.
Data values can thus be represented as raw values or symbol values (raw value converted to physical units, e.g., km/h) during the analysis.
Data values can thus be represented as raw values or symbol values (raw value converted to physical units, e.g., km/h) during the analysis.
Different representations of data are possible, depending on the needs of the analysis. For example:
- Graphical representation of signal charts
- Display of signal values
- Display of sequence and status of measurement
- Graphical representation of bit values and statuses
- Display of information regarding bus activities
For higher protocol layers (e.g., ISO TP Diagnostics, Diagnostics, J1939, etc.), a specific data interpretation takes place according the relevant standard. For transfer via a transport protocol, for example, the individual segments (messages) are marked and the overall transfer is represented as a compilation.
Logging Data
For an analysis after the measurement, data can be recorded in CANalyzer and subsequently integrated and replayed as an offline data source.
Data are recorded via a logging file in the Measurement Setup. Additionally defined trigger conditions can be integrated here, which can reduce the quantity of data in the recording.
In some analysis windows, data can be saved directly to files and reloaded for analysis.
Analysis Windows:
Measurement Setup
The data flow is displayed graphically in the Measurement Setup.
All options for parameterizing the Measurement Setup are selected in this window.
All options for parameterizing the Measurement Setup are selected in this window.
Write Window
Information on the progress of the measurement are output here.
Write instructions from CAPL programs appear in this window.
Write instructions from CAPL programs appear in this window.
Trace Window
The purpose of the Trace Window is to record bus activities during measurement. All the messages received at the input of a Trace block are displayed as lines of text in the Trace Window.
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